Development Builds

These downloads are created automatically on every change in the code. Some may be unstable or cause problems. Please report any issue.

No. Commit Info
1835 d1f8450 Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.25 to 1.7.30 (#226) get
1833 18b42a1 Bump squirrelid from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 (#229) get
1832 2d03ea5 Bump com.palantir.git-version from 0.11.0 to 0.12.2 (#230) get
1828 94cd688 Bump com.github.johnrengelman.shadow from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 (#228) get
1827 5788b5b Bump animal-sniffer-annotations from 1.16 to 1.18 (#227) get
1821 e3c967e Update Flyway to 6.1.1 get
1820 4a94f5c [Bukkit] Remove cancellation of interaction events for warp signs get
1819 b1f5e3f [Bukkit] Simplify chunk pre-loading get
1818 3264ee2 [Bukkit] Remove deprecated chunk pre-loading get
1817 afc540b Fix build get
1815 77239c4 Release 3.1
Stable Build
1812 1ebc24b Update JOOQ to 3.12.3 get
1811 e740ed4 Merge branch 'feature/flyway5' get
1810 44e1f81 Adds (optional) cooldowns and warmups to warp signs get
1808 c5635e9 Add configurable sorting to the 'list' command, add '-o' overwrite get